Eric Garcetti : A Red Flag with love from USA to India

New Ambassador to India from USA ! 

Recently , the big daddy USA has made a dangerous move towards India by appointing Eric Garcetti as the Envoy , that is the Ambassador of India for USA . For those who don't know about the term ambassador , I would say , it is a person sent as a chief representative of his / her own government in an other country to maintain good relations . The envoy is basically just like a messenger . Mr. Eric has served as the 42nd mayor of Los Angeles from the year 2013 , until 2022 and basically has zero (0) diplomatic experience . 

Eric Garcetti , source NBC news .

Eric was selected with a close win at 52 to 42 in their senate elections with support of a handful of Republican senators putting him to the top and being appointed to the post . The post for ambassador was vacant since two years (approx. 26 months) after the last envoy Kenneth Juster who was appointed on November 3 , 2017 and terminated his mission as an Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador on January 20, 2021

Now , why is Mr. Eric dangerous because of his actions , services and past records which he had as the mayor of California , Los Angeles . California a part of Los Angeles , was believed to be one of the most likely places to settle in USA , with good sunshine throughout the whole year , a pleasant climate , neither to hot nor cold and in fact it was referred as the "Golden Sunshine state" located on the south west US coast. But now there is a lot of trouble in California , a lot of homelessness , rampant crime , shoplifting , bad public services , boarded up shops , garbage piling up on the streets and currently is in a very problematic and pathetic situation . There are homeless people all over the place. The drug abuses have been rising and things have gone very bad and are becoming worser day by day . California is nowhere close to what it used to be today and slowly is kind of becoming a "Hellhole". And what has happened to California is the result of the authorities/people/democrats in power for sometime and one of these individuals was their mayor , Mr. Eric Garcetti.

California state , source : Forbes

During his term as a mayor , there was no significant rise in the state prosperity rather a sharp decline accompanied year by year . The natives of California define him as the worst leader the have ever had in their life .Thus making him to be concluded as a low level politician .Imagine India , appointing Sharukh Khan as the ambassador to China or USA and how weird the situation would be . That's the kind of deal daddy has done and it literally doesn't make any sense appointing Garcetti a person who is so unsuccessful in the past , has zero diplomacy and that too towards India .

The states president Mr. Joe Biden nominated Eric on July 9, 2021 and 26 months later on March 24, 2023 Eric was officially sworn in as the US Ambassador to India by Mrs. Kamala Harris , the 49th and current vice president of the United States. In a conference Eric said that Human rights would be the core of his engagement and he will have direct engagement with groups fighting for human rights in India (which he might be referring to the Khalistanis or J&K groups) and the civil society . Basically ,this gentleman is gonna come to India and preach human rights and democracy to India , which is the Worlds largest democracy ! The ministry of external affairs of India responded by saying "We welcome the confirmation of Eric Garcetti as the US ambassador to India . We look forward to working with him and take forward the multifaceted bilateral relations." with the words from Arindam Bagchi , Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs of India.(notice the usage of the term bilateral which means with involvement of both countries and India is clear that it is not going to bear any kind of suppressive activities from US , proving its stand against west) 

Arindam Bagchi welcome Garcetti , source : ANI

Eric Garcetti , has a very sketchy dubious political record and if you look at his political career across websites like Wikipedia , it becomes very crystal clear that he is a Democrat belonging to the Democratic party, he is a liberal and on reading more about him through newsletters you would tag/call him a woke in the political sense. Also he had sexual harassment charges , not centrally but his aides have maintained in interviews that Garcetti oversaw and enabled an office in which sexual harassment was ubiquitous (means everyone did it and was often taking place in the office) and this guy Eric Garcetti was the boss of the office . Very often ministers like Seligman were direct saying that Garcetti was undeserving of the Ambassadorial assignment and have blasted the Biden administration and most democratic lawmakers for ignoring the allegations and charges on him . They have tried to describe him as a product of Bidens favoritism . This clears that the averments have been sidelined and ignored causing a person with double standards to be appointed for India . 

Also interviews reveal that the White House put undue pressure on Democrats to vote for Eric for he has been a very very loyal person to president Biden . This action can be termed as favoritism occurring in the West, rewarding some ones loyalty despite the person being un eligible and somewhat problematic for the post . Obviously Eric is handpicked rather than elected to serve the US's agenda to suppress India . As per reports , he was  very close to various Chinese agents(spies) in the US which kind of makes him a potential chinese agent himself. And it wont be wrong or shocking to consider this a part US's breaking India 2024 campaign , essentially.

Mr. Eric Garcetti  source : Los Angeles times

It is surprising that until now , for a period of two years they {Us Government} did not care about nominating a US ambassador to India and now a mysterious person with nil experience , clearly having close connections with chinese intelligence and a clear "Anti-India agenda" is posted for . Talking of Human rights and democracy , its solely about interfering in the internal affairs of our nation . Tis is surely not an isolated event but its a small part of a bigger plan for India from the US perspective . India surely has not and will not reject his nomination because then they would send someone even worse .

Wow ! what a wonderful cocktail India has got . Its precisely clear that daddy USA is not really concerned in terms of diplomacy when it comes to India , though being aware of the fact that India being one of the largest and most important nations in the world , with an extreme buying class of citizens , a massive population , and a big market in the world having about 128 billion $ worth of trade annually across their country. Mr. Eric Garcetti has been sent for with the move of a pawn in the chess of the anti-India game run by US . It would be fascinating to see India's next move along with its representatives featuring Mr. S. Jaishankar , Mr. Bagchi , Mr. Vinay , Mr. Sanjay and Mr. Saurabh Kumar and of course our dearest PM. Shri Narendra Modi .

Shri Narendra Modi  source: Hindustan Times

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