How the Nepotism Empire is pulling India into the most Horrifying Economical & Political Crisis.

The Veracious never win, Majority does

India , credit :India Today

The Story of this abominable revolution dates back to the era of Pre-covid years. The leading Industrial Nations who possess highly destructive firearms, an immense corporative network of large firms, splendid wealth and undefeatable empires of united citizens, could smell something highly exasperating for time being. They could not witness the immense growth of the most fast-paced leading Industrial, Economical & Political position of the united nation of India.

Can the Majestic Lion absorb the environment of another fellow lion defeating him and occupying the Throne of the Jungle ?
Can the 9 year old, playing Gully Cricket handle the violent desire of 14 years old wanting to play Football in streets ?
Can you allow a stranger to take control of your home and live with your wife and kids ?
And so is the Nature of this Economic Arena of the Survival of the Fittest.

Economics in the 20th century

Rewinding the Fabric of Space-time one could observe the phenomenal reach of the British Royal Family & it's Empire, the industrial boom and industrial revolution of the Western Countries, the growth of the European Nations and many other competitors. Moving forward, the ball felt in the court of new nations.

The magnificent growth of countries including India, Russia, China, Brazil, Japan and a lot more, could not have possibly let the Patronatic Nations remain silent.

However, the genesis and finding the roots of this Global Situation, would be comparable to locating a diamond ring in a cornfield.

Diamond in a corn Field

Evidences which support the impact of this disaster:-

India's Leadership in the Global G20 Summit 2023 was once such prominent step which left many nations in awe . 

India's G20 Priorities:

1. Green Development, Climate Finance & LiFE

2. Accelerative, Inclusive & Resilient Growth

3. Accelerating Progress on SDGs

4. Technological Transformation & Digital Public Infrastructure

5. Multilateral(External) Institutions for the 21st century

6. Women-led Development

G20 INDIA 2023 ,credit: NDTV

The Recent Developments in this field has left the Wealthy Monopoly's jaws wide open.

One can also not deny the arbitrary evidence of the coming up of Britain's new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. A while ago, Britain came up with it's new Trade Policies to ensure a fair trade among it's importers and exporters. His new position of becoming the Prime Minister was widely supported and pride upon.

India was also creating suspicion when it did not declare to take any stance for Russia or United States when the Russia-Ukraine War broke out. India refused to take any decisions, because it had lately developed itself into a vast interest based country with having geopolitical friends of both the sides and powers. India decided to keep it stance and not take support of a particular ally, for the sake to maintain geopolitical friendships. This is a greata decision as one can take an analogy of a person having two friends. And both his friends are inviting him to their Marriage. As both are his close friends, he can reject both of them to maintain the friendship.

Such a step is crucial, because it deals away with any negative instances of destruction, and ensures that the economic procedures including Trade, Communication and Transport remained Laminar and the relations with the countries continues longetivity

Trade, Communication and Transport

The Recent Developments in the Defense Sector have also been scaring the enemies lately.
The introduction of the BRAHMOS missile jointly developed by Russia and India is reaching paramount attention and success

This is the first major military export product from India. This powerful, supersonic missile is an India-Russia joint venture which can be launched to cause devastation from submarines, naval ships, aircraft, or from land platforms.

BRAHMOS credit: Mint

India has been prominently known globally to be among the top 5 arms importers, according to a March 2021 report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). But recently, the Indian government is looking to reduce its arms imports by increasing domestic production. New Delhi is seeking a amplification in defence exports in order to strengthen its defence manufacturing and production. At present, India is the 24th largest arms and weapons exporter in the world, but great India’s vision is “To expand its defence manufacturing sector and become a bigger arms exporter generating a revenue of $5 billion by 2025”.

This step can be encouraged by coming of Private-Sector Enterprises in the market which will lead to high Research & Development and further advancements of the defense and machinery, and eventually swell the Foreign Exchanges. It is also quite evident that many Private Companies in the Defense Sector are launching their IPOs in the market, and they are bagging great amount of funds. Side by side, they are also providing the Government with new and promising equipment like Warships, Cargo Containers, Destroyers, Rigs, Shore Equipment, Fighter Jets, Helicopters, and numerous other ammenities, which is only making the country rich in Defense Equipment

Research & Development and further advancements of the defense and machinery

These subsequent developments occurring at such a great pace is fearing the monopolized wealthy countries. They are strangely envious by the developments and can't afford to set back in the economic landscape.
They played a devastation move when a firm named "Hindenberg" allegedly targeted the great Indian Business Tycoon, Mr. Gautam Adani. The firm or the group of people claim that the Adani Enterprises and Adani Group transferred money in shell companies located in Southern African Countries including Mauritius, and have reinvested back into the stocks in the stock market, leading to phenomenal returns and prices of the Adani Stocks. This has been resented by Adani Group and both sides exchanged lethal attacks of not guns, not missiles, not bombings, but mere "questions; or interrogations".

Gautam Adani vs Hindenburg The Conclusion ?

It is quite true that, a beautiful combination of a few characters from a Language when presented to people can create distrust or bring huge enterprises down. This was greatly a deep impact. Sources and underground Media have been reportedly carrying the messages that Adani had deep relations with Mr. Modi, but there is not evidence and proper base to the allegations, and so is the popular term coined everywhere now and then; 'baseless allegations'.
Arbitrary Evidences show that the Adani Stocks including Adani Power and Adani Enterprises have started to show great rise in the previous month. They have came back on track, and increased by nearly 31% on average. This is really promising to the investors, but also fails to enumerate why such an enterprise is rising again, even after a major global report. The evidence might be blurry, but is clear that our corporates are not falling any sooner, they will continue to rise our country, no matter which firm comes in it's way.

We can still see rise of hatred prominently in the Social Media World.
News Channels, Instagram Accounts, Instagram Reels, YouTube and many platforms have been repeatedly trying to demystify and blend the truth and the incorrect speeches of famous personalities, and it seems to have created a miny uprising in a few parts of the country.

This has been supported with many evidences like coming up of Gangs and Illegal Groups who have been murdering famous personalities, which include the Sidhu Moosewalla murder case, and the recent Atique Ahmed Case. According to Conspiracy Theorists these anti-Indian groups might seemingly be working for a paramount leader or a terrorist who is still not identified by the media, according to under rated sources and activities.

Negativity and Hatred from Social Media

Whatever might be the case, this situation is definitely a great turning point for many people and the ecosystem. In such a circumstance the Media of the countries is the only tool which needs to be maintained and controlled. Because the Media feeds the people. Tell someone a lie enough times, and he/she will make it a belief and a part of his/her reality. If enough people believe that 2 + 2 = 5, then that becomes a belief, and a continued belief becomes part of the culture, and is perceived as reality. 

In this Society of a multitude variety of people of different accumulation of wealth, feelings and personalities, it is never the people who speak the truth who win, it is the majority who always wins, even if it is destined and brainwashed or programmed to think the incorrect way, or the way that defies religious beliefs or human intents. 

Media Houses and Modernization

This can be strongly seen in the way the Western Media has started Agendas to bring our Country Down. One can clearly find the affirmations on sites like Twitters, where hate speeches have begun escalating, and News Channels like BBC, who have raised and started contradictory programmes which have led them to dive in problems. One can also see the manifestations on websites like YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook, where content flows swiftly and it doesn't take more than a snap to brainwash the people.

YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook

It is a difficult time, but one must think Rationally and always fight for the stance or propagate the true message, in case the fluctuations of these agenda driven enterprises begin to accumulate over common lives. One must rectify the information consumed by repeated checks and correction from various sources, and not remain satisfied after watching a small 20 second video. It is our civilization which rules the planet. 

But as rightly said by Einstein, a Mouse will never create a Mouse Trap in it's whole period of lifetime. But strange and entangled is the case of this puny little organism termed Human, which created strong and pessimistic feelings against its own beings for the sake of greed, passion, anger, motivation and so called "class" in the society.

Information is power !

In conclusion, the current global economic landscape is marked by fierce competition among nations to gain economic supremacy. The rise of new industrial, economical, and political powers has challenged the established players, resulting in a battle for dominance. India, as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, has faced its fair share of challenges and opportunities in this battlefield.

The recent leadership of India in the G20 Summit 2023 highlights the country's growing global influence and its priorities for sustainable and inclusive growth, climate finance, technological transformation, and women-led development. India's refusal to take sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict also demonstrates the country's commitment to maintaining geopolitical friendships and promoting peaceful solutions.

The rise of India and other emerging economies presents a challenge for established industrial powers, who may feel threatened by their growing influence. However, in today's interconnected world, cooperation and fair trade policies are crucial for sustained economic growth.

As the world continues to evolve, it is important for nations to embrace change and adapt to new realities. In the case of India, the country's rich cultural heritage, skilled workforce, and thriving startup ecosystem provide a solid foundational structure for sustainable prosperity. By investing in its people and creating a business-friendly environment, India can unlock its immense potential and become a pioneer in the global economic arena.

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