The Kerala Story Controversy , Propaganda Or Truth?

The new film, Kerala Story, which has been released on May 5th, has brought quite a big earthquake in Kerala and Indian politics. 

The Kerala Story

"Shalini Unnikrishnan, a Hindu from Kerala." ,"Tell me, when exactly you joined ISIS?" "Another controversy, this time it is on Kerala." "This world is only run by Allah. Only Allah." "Bring them closer, separate them from families." are the words which are highlighted in the trailer and the news and have created tensions in the country media. 

"This film will be released on May 5th, but the door to controversy has already been opened before that." "A new round of heated debate has started on social media with love j***d." "In films like Kerala Story, are nothing but fake propaganda. It intends communal polarization."- ABP News.

"A hijab-clad girl is neither ra**d, nor does anyone ever tease her. Because Allah always protects us. Are you trying to say only Allah protects?" "Our ex-chief minister has said that in the next 20 years, Kerala will become an Islamic State." - controversial dialogues of the film.

Kerala Story and Indian Media

But the amazing thing is that there are so many astrologers in our country who looking at the future, even before the film released decided that this film is a propaganda film. Even before the release, some politicians were talking about banning this film.

"Congress has called for a ban on the movie. Accusing the filmmakers of spreading misinformation. Breaking news coming in from Tamil Nadu. No screening of the Kerala Story."-NEWS18.

"In a mall in Kerala's Kochi, PVR has cancelled the screening of the controversial film Kerala Story."-MIRROR NOW.

"The Kerala Story was banned in West Bengal."-THE LALLANTOP.

Kerala ISIS Education and Radicalization Relations.

Now see, it is possible that the film Kerala Story will show some things in a biased way. But is Kerala's ISIS Brides story true or is it propaganda? Is Kerala's radicalization story true or is it propaganda? Let's find out today. Let's talk about Kerala today. Where there is alluring natural beauty, amazing food, beautiful culture and where a great moment in Rahul Gandhi's career unfolded.

But let's talk about a dark side of this beautiful state. The Kerala Story Controversy This week, a film called Kerala Story was released. Which tries to tell the story of those girls of Kerala who were brainwashed, converted to Islam and then after going to Afghanistan even married with ISIS fighters. But as I mentioned, there are many politicians who even before the film released were calling the film a propaganda.{To be honest, I haven't seen the film yet.}

But there are many people who even before the film being released just by looking at the film trailer had started raising their voice against the film. But why? Maybe because in the mainstream, we are always shown a positive image of Kerala. Whether it's education or development.

"In the Human Development Index Kerala is at number one. If we talk on sex, even in that Kerala is at number one." - DHURV RATHEE.

"I hope the rest of India will become a little more like Kerala, yeah."-SHASHI THAROOR.

We are taught that education ends all the problems. But maybe this is only half the story of Kerala. The film Kerala Story is trying to show another story of Kerala.

"You didn't tell, which God you believe in. I think Shiva is a big God. A God who at the death of his wife cries like a common man, how can he be a God? " are some radicalized dialogues in the film.

Despite so much high education, how does radicalization happen in Kerala? So first of all, come let's know some basic facts. In the beginning of the last decade, a terrorist organization named ISIS had come up, who in the Middle East had captured a large area, The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant became the Islamic State and proclaimed a caliphate on its territory. The purpose of ISIS was that the Islamic State which was finished by Turkey's secular leader, Kemal Ataturk, to re-establish that Islamic Caliphate again, an Islamic Caliphate in which only Sharia law shall be accepted.

ISIS was a very dangerous and brutal organization during whose regimen, major human rights abuses were committed. In this image, Shiite men are herded together and executed in mass graves.

The German parliament had also voted unanimously to recognize the massacre of ethnic Yazidis in Iraq as genocide. Fighters from the so-called Islamic State massacred more than a thousand Yazidis in Northwestern Iraq in 2014. ISIS was also very active on social media and used share their video messages in the whole world. Such videos that inspired Muslims from all over the world to go and join ISIS existed on every social media platform. Many Muslims from India also joined ISIS.

It was said in the 2021 US Department of Foreign Affairs report, that by November 2021, 66 people of Indian-origin had joined the ISIS. One state was at the forefront of sending to ISIS from India, Kerala, and also was part of 21 persons who have left Kerala in the last 2 months to join the Islamic State. Some estimates say that around 150 people left Kerala and joined the ISIS. Out of all the Pro-ISIS cases found in India, the maximum number of cases came from Kerala.

So, let's clear a basic fact that many people in Kerala had joined ISIS after being radicalized. This is absolutely correct, is not a propaganda. And just like Harry Potter's platform 9-3/4, cannot be seen by normal people, in the same way the radicalization that has taken place in Kerala, and the history of radicalization in Kerala, that too has been hidden from the normal people of India. In fact, the premise of Kerala Story that some non-Muslim women were radicalized and converted, And after that those girls married ISIS fighter in Afghanistan, this thing is also not propaganda, it is absolutely true.

"This is Nimisha alias Fathima, one of the four women from Kerala who joined the Islamic State in Khorasan province. "- Republic World.

"Abdul married Sonia from Kerala and made her Ayesha. By turning Sonia to Ayesha, she was admitted into the ISIS. "- AAJ TAK.

Read to one of the girls' statements yourself.

"The reason we moved is to live an Islamic life under a caliphate, a Muslim rule. Whatever happened is in Allah's…" - StartNews Global

She went to Khorasan on her own because she only believed in Allah. So, how Kerala which is so educated faced such kind of radicalization . To understand this, we need to understand the history of Islam and radicalization in Kerala.

History of Islam and radicalization in Kerala.

We know that In North India, Islam came through invasion, through violence, and through force. But in Kerala, Islam initially came through trade. Relations of Arab traders with Kerala were established in 7th century AD itself. And between the 7th and 8th century, many Muslim traders who came to Kerala, started promoting Islam in Kerala and because Hinduism has no tension or jealousy with other gods that's why the Hindu kings of Kerala happily accepted the Muslims too.

Some local Perumal leaders also accepted Islam and even gave place in Kerala to build mosques. The Muslim population of Kerala settled in Northern Kerala and came to be known as Mappila Muslims. So, from this story you might be thinking that it means that in Kerala there has always been communal harmony between Hindu and Muslim. But unfortunately, you would be wrong just like those people who are over the age of 25 yet think doing dance challenges on Instagram they look cool. {Don't look. Stop it, get some help.}

Unfortunately, from the medieval period, when the population of Muslims in Kerala substantially increased and Muslim rulers also emerged, since then we are seeing the trend of radicalization in Kerala. In the Malabar region of Kerala there was a Hindu kingdom, Kolathiri, which had another kingdom nearby, Arakkal, whose king was Ali Raja, who was a Mappila Muslim.


When Tipu Sultan's father, Hyder Ali captured Mysore by betraying Maharaja Wodeyar, then Ali Raja requested Hyder Ali to support him and to completely destroy the Hindu Kingdom of Kolathiri. And finally, Hyder Ali, accepted Ali Raja's request, Made Ali Raja a high admiral in his army and attacked Malabar in 1766, capturing the Kolathiri Empire. He destroyed many temples, but Hyder Ali was not successful in capturing Malabar region completely.

That's why his son, Tipu Sultan decided that what my father could not do, that I'll do. In the Malabar region, he started the persecution of Hindus, even more than Hyder Ali. 

"Kerala oral tradition remembers, Tipu's visit to the Malabar as the deadly "Padayottam", which means "military march", where he literally burnt down Malabar, I mean Kozhikode and several parts of Malabar, right down to the ground." - SRIJAN Foundation official.

Between 1783 and 1791 thousands of Nairs and 30,000 Brahmins had to leave Malabar and run away due to the persecution of Tipu Sultan. And many historians have also noted that thousands of people were converted forcefully. They were force-fed beef, their temples were destroyed, and many people were also killed.

"He caused a permanent change in the cultural character of several cities." - SRIJAN Foundation official.

And unfortunately, all these stories have also been hidden from us, in our textbooks. The history of Kerala has been kept as a secret. Exactly the same secret, that when Tony Stark wears the Iron Man's suit how does he go to the bathroom?{Is there any retractable machinery below? -Just like that. -Anyways focus on Kerala.}

when Tony Stark wears the Iron Man's suit how does he go to the bathroom?

The ill-treatment meted out to the Hindus in the Malabar region continued even after the death of Tipu Sultan. In 1852, the District Magistrate of Malabar noted that the Muslim population always kept the Hindus under fear. Often there used to be incidents of isolated violence on Hindus and we had to see the result of such radicalization in 1921 with Moplah massacre.

Moplah massacre was a result of the Khilafat movement. The Khilafat movement began when the British defeated Turkey in World War I. Turkey at that time, used to be the center of the Islamic Caliphate and because the Caliph of Islam was fighting with the British, and defeated, the British had removed the Caliph of Islam from Turkey, so the Muslims of India became very angry at that time, and to establish the Khilafat back started protest against the British. Now the interesting thing in this matter is that the Muslims of Turkey, the Muslims of the Middle East were not interested in bringing back the Khilafat, so why were Muslims of India dying to do so? {You already know what is a simp.},{That when a man is ready to give up his life for a woman, but he does not get anything in return from the woman.}

So Indian Muslims were the first simps of 20th Century. Who were simping for the Turkish Muslims and for Khilafat. I just want to say one thing to those simps. Hey! She will not give.

Hey ! Nai Degi

So despite being disinterested in the caliphate of the Islamic world, the Indian Muslims started the Khilafat movement with great fanfare and many Indian nationalists including Gandhiji strongly supported the Khilafat movement. But because the Muslims all over the world were not interested in this, the Khilafat movement failed. And the Muslims of Kerala took out the frustration of this failure on the Hindus of Kerala.

They thought that if a caliphate cannot be formed in Turkey, then we'll create a caliphate by finishing all the Hindus in the Malabar region. The movement turned violent against Hindu infidels who were asked to choose between Islam and death. Thousands of Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam. Those Hindus who did not accept Islam were murdered. Their homes were looted or set on fire. This massacre was also condemned by nationalists like Veer Savarkar, Annie Besant, and Dr. Ambedkar and clearly called it an anti-Hindu massacre. But in our media and in our textbooks, it is called a "rebellion".

{If this is a rebellion, then even p***hub is a family OTT platform like Netflix. Can't resist!}

Netflix X P**nHub?

Now after this, when independence came, many Muslim majority regions of India wanted to join Pakistan. The Muslims of Malabar region also demanded to join Pakistan. But Malabar is as far away from Pakistan as Foreign Direct Investment is away from Pakistan. That's why Malabar region could not join Pakistan. Radicalization In Modern Kerala But the radicalization of the Malabar region did not end completely even after independence.

In fact the Hindu population of Kerala kept on declining slowly and the Muslim population kept on increasing very fast. Since the 1970s, the population growth rate of Muslims in Kerala is almost double that of Hindus. So clearly having a high literacy rate does not solve all the problems. And as far as conversion is concerned, very specifically Hindu and Christian communities are being targeted for conversion.

Population of Kerala by Religion (1901-2011 Census)

Decadal Growth in Percent for the state of Kerala

Demographic parameters of different communities in Kerala (2011)

Organizations like PFI(Popular Front of India) were accused of running conversion factories to target Hindu and Christian women. And all this is being done under a "charitable trust". 

"The woman at the center of the Love Jihad debate accused of brainwashing Akhila, helping her convert and then hurriedly arranging her marriage." - India Today

In fact, the National Investigative Agency(NIA) had also pointed out this.

"The PFI is running a religious conversion facilitation center called Sathya Sarani."-India Today

And to do this kind of conversion, and to spread radicalization in the state, a lot of money comes from the Gulf.

"How does he fund his mission? Shareef calmly informs us of the illegal Hawala channels the Popular Front has established in the Gulf." - India Today.

"I think 5 or 6 years ago. You raised funds for the PFI -in Middle East -Yeah. How much fund you raised at that time? -10 lakhs or something. -10 lakhs?"- Interview at India Today.

In fact, the founder of PFI had openly said that his goal is not only to create a Sharia rule in Kerala, but in the whole of India. 

"Islamic State is the final goal? -Final goal. The PFI and Sathya Sarani’s hidden motive is to establish Islamic State in India or all over the world? - All over the world. That's the motive"- Interview at India Today.

Even this has been acknowledged by the ex-Chief Minister of Kerala. In July 2018, four people were deported from Abu Dhabi to India on the charges of terrorism and all four were from Kerala. From 2000s, the money coming from the Gulf in Kerala due to that the Salafi ideology is being greatly promoted in Kerala. And the radicalization of Kerala has increased rapidly. Experts have said that in the last 20-30 years, Muslim women have left their sari and started wearing pardha, hijab, and burqa.

And many Muslim communities who used to participate in Hindu festivals are also being pressured to not participate in Hindu festivals. And as far as radicalization is concerned, not only Hindu groups are complaining, but Christian groups are also complaining.

"Pala's Bishop Joseph has accused the Muslim community of targeting Christians through what he calls 'love and narcotic jihad'."-India Today.

In fact, according to some NGOs, since 1999, 7,000 people have been converted, especially women. And the situation had become so bad that finally the government this year even banned PFI for radicalization and terrorist activities. In fact, the same Shashi Tharoor who is calling Kerala Story a propaganda, he also tweeted some time ago that actually there are some girls who have gone to join the ISIS and he is trying to get them free.{So is this a real story or not?}

Shashi Tharoor Hypocrisy

Shashi Tharoor Hypocrisy

When we've seen so much proof that radicalization is taking place in Kerala, women are being targeted, women are being converted, then why is this film being attacked even before it is released?

Censoring Kerala Files

In fact, even the Censor Board has also released this film. But gave it an adult rating and has asked for 10 cuts in this film. Including the statement of the former chief minister that PFI wants to create an Islamic state in Kerala. But this is what the ex-CM has said. The film is not lying it doesn't need to be deleted. The Censor Board has also said that in the film, Muslims who are saying wrong things against Hindu Gods should also be deleted. But this is what happened in reality. In reality, these girls have been told that their God is wrong. Only and only Allah is the one God.

Deleted/Modified scenes in The Kerala Story by CBFC

CBFC - Central Body of Film Certification

"They slowly learned about me, my character, my views, everything. And slowly they injected their religion into my brain." said an effected woman at a CITTI interview.

"I was in a concept that there is only one God and there are no different gods. If gods are there, means it will be just from the main God. Likewise, my concept was. They told me about how a woman should dress or how she should behave in front of the society. They told me. And they explained about the hell punishments. I was so afraid at that time that I wanted to convert as soon as possible. My 5-6 years of Islamic study, I had become a complete anti-Hindu. I was against the Hindu gods, Hindu organizations. Questions were asked there, how are there 33 crore gods and goddesses in Sanatana?"

"I was a little confused. On which they started criticizing the Hindu religion. Then gradually, we were given books. Books of Malayalam-translated Quran were given to the converted girls. We were also given CDs and books of Islamic, M.M. Akbar and Zakir Hussain. This increased the confusion further. I didn't have the answer to the questions. So surrendered to the question of conversion. What is heaven and hell? I was told about that. Instilled fear in the mind, that if I didn't accept Islam, I would get to see the wrath of God." are experiences which some courageous women shared up at media houses.

So, why does the Censor Board want to remove these things from the film? And finally, especially those politicians, who wanted to ban this movie I want to ask them, the film made by BBC to malign India's name, 'India's Daughter' comes under free speech. The fake documentary made by BBC on Prime Minister Modi to malign the name of India comes under free speech, so why doesn't the Kerala story come under free speech? Why is it being banned? It is hypocritical in the same way that a climate change activist is publishing millions of physical books which would have to be made by cutting down thousands of trees.

BBC film : Indias Daughter


a climate change activist is publishing millions of physical books which would have to be made by cutting down thousands of trees.

So, see, the film Kerala Story may not show the whole truth. Maybe it will try to spread propaganda. But the story of Kerala's radicalization, the story of ISIS brides, is not a propaganda but absolutely true. I want to ask you Have you watched the Kerala Story yet? If you have watched it, how did you find it? Do you think there is propaganda in this film or is it true? Do let me and our audience know in the comment section below.

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