Does Russia Love India? | Vladimir Putin & Narendra Modi |


Melody boy says is does Russia really love India or is it just posing because they need allies and a big Market to sell things to in this Ukraine war so listen if we look at see we have to examine history from a certain perspective so when we take photographs in case some of you are into photography you will know that you for a certain camera you have a whole variety of lenses you can buy in each lens serves a certain purpose you take a subject you put it in front of you you take a certain lens with a certain focal length you will see a certain perspective of the image you take a different lens you will see a different perspective some lenses make it very flat some let's just give you a blurred background and so on I will not go into that but that's how it works similarly when you look at history and geopolitics the what you understand of it depends on the lens that you're using to take a look at it to look at it so if you take if you use a very short lens let's say you know very short-term memory kind of lens then you will get a certain picture of things if you take a longer term perspective a longer lens then you will see a different perspective so the question is does Russia really love India so if I take a short lens and take a look at what happened in the past five or ten years I will get a certain perspective see uh and it's a good perspective it's very instructive so in 2017 I think or 20 whichever year it was five six years ago seven years ago perhaps the Russians were conducting military exercises with Pakistan it was called the drusbah exercises means friendship in in Russian so there was drushba 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 if I am not mistaken but there has been no the roof by 2023 and I think there's been no Durga 2022 either most likely if I'm not mistaken you know so so how come Russia was kind of uh being friendly with Pakistan and and why is it not happening now why has the why have those exercises you know those those military exercises stopped and all that so the question is a very good question and we have to look at it from a long-term perspective because that's when we start seeing the patterns so Russia in geopolitics there is no love in geopolitics all right and there is no friendship in geopolitics geopolitics is all about self-interest it's all about your narrow National interest and when you have two Nations whose national interests align and converge it is natural for them to work together and when you have two Nations whose national interests Clash then they simply can't work together so how do you know whether whether two Nations will have an alignment of natural interests or a clash of national in national interests one of the best ways of understanding that is just to take a look at the map so let me show you the map which will give us an idea of what is the situation so let's take a look at the map here's the map so as we can see India and China have a significant long shared border because we allowed China to conquer Tibet and occupy Tibet in 1950. our great prime minister the group magnificent Mr narrow did that so India and China have a long and demarcated border which makes India and China it makes it impossible for Indian China to be allies when two large Nations have a shared border common border it means that they can never be allies and they will always have some kind of tension and some kind of hostility similarly the Russians and the Chinese have a long border which tells you that the Russians and the Chinese are also not natural allies their natural adversaries now India in Russia don't have a shared border India and Russia both want a stable and secure Central Asia India and Russia both see China as an adversary for very good reason I mean I will not go into the history of the Russia China thing but yeah it's there so from these perspectives if you look at all of this from the big picture perspective from the long lens of the past hundred years then you will see that Russia and India are actually natural allies we will not use the term Ally okay but it's kind of like that it's kind of like a you know a de facto Unwritten Alliance kind of thing in in certain ways we try to keep it under wraps you could say so there's no love here love happens when there is shared blood or shared culture okay that's when love exists so when it comes to the nations of the Indian subcontinent yeah we could actually say that there is love in some sense I would not say there is love between India and Pakistan but clearly one could have an affectionate perspective from India's perspective towards Nepal or Sri Lanka or Bhutan or or Myanmar and well if the other nations behave we will be affectionate towards them as well so love only exists when you have shared blood or shared culture when it comes to Russia we don't have shared blood and we don't have shared culture either but we have a strong convergence of national interests so Russia does feel the pressure right now because of the Ukraine war obviously it feels the pressure and it does need allies it does need a huge market for selling oil because that is what relieves the pressure from Russia so yes it does need that for that from that perspective India is something they really need so yeah it's a great thing for them but it's not like they are playing a short-term game it's a long-term game in India and Russia are going to be aligned for the long term for this entire Century one could imagine if not more so that's the deal there's no love there's no love in geopolitics there are alliances and alliances typically ar

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